Black Friday Sale! Save Big and Support Gnosis!
It’s that time of year again.
Take advantage of our biggest sale all year with the coupon code GNOSTICA to save 50% on top of already reduced prices.
Godspeed and party on truth seekers!
It’s that time of year again.
Take advantage of our biggest sale all year with the coupon code GNOSTICA to save 50% on top of already reduced prices.
Godspeed and party on truth seekers!
“Yes boy these people can lie remember they’re sworn never to tell you the truth about their organization upon the pain of death. Not just sworn once but sworn for every single degree that they obtain. Both of freemasonry’s highest authorities during the past 100 years clearly state that masonry is a religion complete with a religious creed of worship but just what kind of religion is Freemasonry?” – William Cooper
“My admonition to you is to read everything, listen to everyone, believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.” – William Cooper
Read more ›This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions.
Our intention with this class is to teach the use of Sacred Geometry as a practical tool as well as a philosophical and occult system. To that end it is important to attain mastery of two things. First is the mastery of the drawing techniques, the ‘constructions’ as they are called in the lingo of Geometry.
The second is to attain mastery of geometric reasoning. It is this skill that facilitates the process of geometric problem solving, that is, understanding how to design and layout specific forms, patterns and diagrams for purposes of discerning real world applications and solutions to a variety of creative problems.
In other words it is equally important to understand the Why of geometric principles as well as the How. The advantage of an online course such as this is that you work at your own pace. If you had difficulty with math in school it is because the pace of learning is standardized in modern educational institutions and not geared to the learning style of individuals. Take your time, perform the exercises as many times as you need before moving on.
No mathematical background is required. We start with the basics and then proceed to more complex levels.
Read more ›Save an Additional 20% off of our already reduced price!! Applies to all SGI Class Combos!
Use Coupon Code: SOLSTICE
Sale ends on 12/28/22 🙂
Engraving of alchemical tree analysed by Adam McLean in his Exploring Alchemical Emblems Study Course.
Read more ›Astrotheology is a term which refers to the influence the stars and celestial bodies have on religion. The original word for Alchemy comes from Kemet, the ancient name for Egypt and from where we get our word for chemistry. While most people associate it with the transmutation of base metals into gold, its occult context has to do with a […]
Read more ›Via Bright Insight This will likely blow your mind. 250+ photos and comparisons of ancient sites around the world, show that there is a LOT more to the story of our ancient past. Proof of a lost ancient global civilization that has been hiding in plain sight, for thousands of years. Help support Jimmy in his effort to share interesting […]
Read more ›Via Talking with Randall Carlson! I’ve wanted to speak with Randall for many years now, and was thrilled to get the chance to do just that recently, and it was a very enjoyable and educational couple of hours. Links and timestamps are coming shortly, I wanted to release this ASAP! Please like and subscribe! Leave a comment with your […]
Read more ›May 11, 2019 Via In our ‘fox’ paper, we read a date from Pillar 43 at Gobekli Tepe using the position of the disk (sun) on the eagle/vulture’s (Sagittarius’) wing. This was quite a rough estimate. We simply found the mid-point between the ‘head’ and ‘wing’ of Sagittarius, which corresponds to 10,950 BC using the summer solstice and […]
Read more ›Hear the second hour at Thanks Greg for another great interview! Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of […]
Read more ›Via Brid-Aine Parnell Contributor If you thought prehistoric cave art was just daubs of hunting scenes, you need to think again. The latest research suggests that some of the oldest cave paintings in the world were ancient representations of astronomy. Researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Kent studied details of drawings in caves in Turkey, Spain, France and […]
Read more ›The Parthenon, like the Great Pyramid of Cheops and the megalithic observatory Stonehenge, is a geodetic marker; and testament to scientific achievements of our ancestors. Mysterious builders who understood the dimensions of our planet with accuracy rivaling satellite surveys. “…maybe coincidence but here we have the Parthenon being precisely one second of Arc of the Earth’s circumference at that latitude […]
Read more ›Evidence for Advanced Geodetic Knowledge in Archaic Times. A short segment on the Great Pyramid from our film Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe. Here Randall demonstrates exactly how the Great Pyramid of Cheops encodes, “the dimensions of our planet with accuracy rivaling modern satellite surveys.” “This is important to understand how the ancients were able to demonstrate to future […]
Read more ›The Osirion in Abydos, Egypt is without a doubt evidence of a lost, PRE-history human civilization that possessed some type of lost ancient high technology. The people that lived in Egypt just a few thousand years ago that we commonly refer to as the “ancient Egyptians” (or the Dynastic Egyptians) could not have constructed this site, and there is actually zero evidence to suggest that they could have. (Note that Osirion is also spelled “Osireon” and “Osireion”)
Read more ›[wptabs][wptabtitle]Dvd Preview[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvuraN2vNapqhIpDIgIRO7eIk6gPvweqw” key=”AIzaSyAw4lB76cN9ZbNYfftnO7V46gSn5EMGkx8 ” maxitems=”16″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”1″] [/wptabcontent] [wptabtitle]About[/wptabtitle][wptabcontent] *Update,all who purchase Dvd will receive a free HD download of the presentation “A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic […]
Read more ›Thank you Earth Ancients for having Randall on your show. Randal Carlson is featured in Graham Hancock’s acclaimed new book Magician’s of the Gods and the TBS/CNN documentary “Fire from the Sky” . He has organized several dozen field expeditions documenting evidence for catastrophic earth change. He has received academic recognition for outstanding work as a student of geology. His […]
Read more ›Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World” Repost from Graham Hancock’s facebook feed: THE FINGERPRINT OF A GLOBAL CATACLYSM 12,800 YEARS AGO The graphic shows […]
Read more ›This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions. 9 classes in total with step by step instructions via streaming video, and pdf handouts. We’ve gone the extra mile to make this material as approachable and easily understood as possible.
Read more ›Regarding the prevalence of the dragon in the myths of ancient cultures, British astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier, wrote in 1982: “The earliest recorded myths are those of combat, between a god or hero and a dragon. The dragon was a familiar figure in Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, India, China, North America, and elsewhere. Usually, he has the form of a winged serpent.
Read more ›In the first hour, we’ll discuss the pioneers of sacred geometry and sacred architecture, places of pilgrimage and older building techniques. We’ll discuss the “travelling man” in Freemasonry. Randall shares a mason’s perspective on operative vs. speculative Freemasonry, King Solomon’s temple and buildings that imprint symbolism. He also comments on the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.
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