Tag: comet

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

If we are ever to heal as a nation, as a world, as a species, we must absolutely get to the bottom of what really happened on 9/11.
“In the mind of this author, there can be no question of positive social change, no question of national or global healing, until human beings (particularly those in the western world) become lucidly cognizant and profoundly educated concerning the power of symbols, not only as transcendental portal, or mathematical devices, but as weapons in the hands of plutocratic elites, with occult agendas, laboring to arrest the mental, emotional, and spiritual maturation of the underclass.” – SK Bain

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The Comet That Changed Humanity

The Comet That Changed Humanity

Via: Underknown Comets fly through space all around our beautiful blue marble, but there is new evidence that suggests that an impact from one such comet changed the course of human history. Subscribe to our Channel: https://goo.gl/RgDszL *Editor’s note: There has in fact been found two craters associated with the Younger Dryas Impact Event! Please see George Howard’s voluminous work […]

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Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Via Ancient Architects The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. A new research paper has been published in Scientific Reports regarding an ancient civilisation in what is modern-day Syria that was wiped out by the cataclysm, as academics finally come round […]

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This Video Was Made from 400,000 Photos of Comet 67p Taken by Rosetta

This Video Was Made from 400,000 Photos of Comet 67p Taken by Rosetta

Via PetaPixel From 2014 to 2016, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft followed the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67p) around space: collecting scientific data, sending a probe to its surface, and capturing some 400,000 photographs of the comet. This cinematic video was made from those photos. The short film above was created by Motion Designer Christian Stangl and Composer Wolfgang Stangl, who […]

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A world map that shows where similary platinum spikes have been discovered in the world. The latest discovery is at the Wonderkrater site in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Credit: Francis Thackeray/Wits University

New research supports hypothesis that asteroid contributed to mass extinction

Via Phys.org Wits University A team of scientists from South Africa has discovered evidence partially supporting a hypothesis that Earth was struck by a meteorite or asteroid 12 800 years ago, leading to global consequences including climate change, and contributing to the extinction of many species of large animals at the time of an episode called the Younger Dryas. The […]

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Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE

Thank you to the Information Warfare for making these! These videos have been scrubbedy from YouTube Via Information Warfare https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6WK46QiCsw1QHhZd9kuag Stop blaming humanity! Climate change is NOT man-made! This is the REAL Inconvenient Truth. Graham Hancock talks about the massive comet impact that caused this massive climate change that happened 12,800 years ago. Randall Carlson walks us through the evidence […]

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This artist’s impression shows the first interstellar object discovered in the Solar System, `Oumuamua. Observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and others show that the object is moving faster than predicted while leaving the Solar System. Researchers assume that venting material from its surface due to solar heating is responsible for this behaviour. This outgassing can be seen in this artist’s impression as a subtle cloud being ejected from the side of the object facing the Sun. As outgassing is a behaviour typical for comets, the team thinks that `Oumuamua’s previous classification as an interstellar asteroid has to be corrected.

Comet mission given green light by European Space Agency

Via: Physics World 21 Jun 2019 The European Space Agency (ESA) is to launch a probe to visit a comet originating from the outer solar system. The €150m Comet Interceptor spacecraft, proposed by a team led by UK-based researchers, will launch in 2028. It will be the space agency’s first so-called “fast” or F-class mission, which take under a decade […]

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An artist’s conception of an asteroid hurtling toward Earth. PHOTO: ALAMY

The Asteroid Peril Isn’t Science Fiction

Via the Wall Street Journal: Even if we managed to spot a small but dangerous asteroid heading for Earth, we currently have no means to stop it. By Gordon L. Dillow July 5, 2019 11:09 am ET In May, a group of international scientists assembled near Washington, D.C., to tackle an alarming problem: what to do about an asteroid hurtling […]

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War of the Titans – ROBERT SEPEHR

War of the Titans – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Atlantean Gardens   In Greek mythology the Titanomachy, or War of the Titans , was the ten-year series of battles which were fought in between the two camps of deities long before the existence of modern mankind: the Titans of Atlantis and the Olympians and their allies. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer, and independent anthropologist. https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B00X… War of […]

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Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Earth Is Moving Toward The Same Meteor Swarm That Scientists Believe Caused The Tunguska Explosion Of 1908

Via End Of America Blog June 16, 2019 by Michael Snyder. Over the next several weeks, our planet will have a close encounter with the Taurid meteor swarm. It will be the closest that we have been to the center of the meteor swarm since 1975, and we won’t have an encounter this close again until 2032. So for astronomers, […]

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Illustration of the Taurid Swarm Core. Credit: Western University

Study investigates potential risk of Taurid meteor swarm

Via Phys.org by Jeff Renaud, University of Western Ontario A new study from Western University posits proof to the possibility that an oncoming swarm of meteors—likened to the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot by some extraterrestrial experts—may indeed pose an existential risk for Earth and its inhabitants. (That’s us.) When considering catalysts for catastrophic collision, there are two main sources […]

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Grimerica #345 – Graham Hancock

Grimerica #345 – Graham Hancock

Interview Starts at 35:10 Via Grimerica.com *Right Click Save As Graham Hancock joins us. He’s played an integral part in changing the mainstream paradigm of ancient mysteries and human history independent researcher and journalist, author of many books including fingerprints of the gods, magicians of the gods, and his latest America Before, the key to earth’s lost civilization. We chat […]

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Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #178: The Bad Comet with Randall Carlson

Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #178: The Bad Comet with Randall Carlson

Via TinFoilHat

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New Podcast!  Randall Speaks w/ the Brothers of the Serpent

New Podcast! Randall Speaks w/ the Brothers of the Serpent

Episode #090: Randall Carlson Via: Brothers of The Serpent Visit the Brothers of the Serprent website for dozens of photos w/ descriptions from Randall. We have a fantastic discussion with the one and only Randall Carlson about vulcanism, ancient mysteries, extinction events, the Younger Dryas, the Missoula Flood, Drumlins, Carolina Bays, the Great Chicago Fire, and much more! We also […]

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Video trailer for America Before and full details of my forthcoming events – Graham Hancock

Video trailer for America Before and full details of my forthcoming events – Graham Hancock

by Graham Hancock | See: Twitter , Facebook, Google+ Published 13th March 2019 Embedded in this post is a link to a short video trailer for America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization. The book will be published in April. More information on its contents: https://grahamhancock.com/america-before/ Special pre-order promotion from US publishers: https://read.macmillan.com/promo/americabeforepreorderpromo/ My events in the UK, the […]

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100,000,000 : 1 – Sweatman and Combs lay odds on Gobekli Tepe and the Younger Dryas Comet

100,000,000 : 1 – Sweatman and Combs lay odds on Gobekli Tepe and the Younger Dryas Comet

Martin Sweatman, like The Bos, is a betting man. But in this instance I want his side of the wager. Today Sweatman published a masterpiece of original, rational statical analysis reporting a series of planetary catastrophes as recorded by our elders in ancient symbols in cave art and carved rock. The historic rejection of ancient animal art as symbolic of […]

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America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization – Graham Hancock’s Latest Book!

America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization – Graham Hancock’s Latest Book!

Via GrahamHancock.com Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age? Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life’s work to find out — and in America Before he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion. Hancock’s research takes us […]

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Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

NASA Goddard Published on Nov 14, 2018 In a remote area of northwest Greenland, an international team of scientists has made a stunning discovery, buried beneath a kilometer of ice. It’s a meteor impact crater, 300 meters deep and bigger than Paris or the Beltway around Washington, DC. It is one of the 25 largest known impact craters on Earth, […]

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Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Via CosmicTusk.com I was about ten when my mom bought a Science News subscription for the Tusk. Week after week the thin, frequent, small format publication filled my desk, and ultimately the floor of my room. The rush of science coverage came so quickly I sometimes felt guilty as a little guy for not reading every article. So, to an […]

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New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

New Graham Hancock the Evidence Mainstream Archaeology Does Not Want You to See (Video)

Via ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC Graham Hancock explains how an entire episode of the human story has been lost, an advanced civilisation very different from our own, with advanced technologies In the teeth of opposition from orthodox historians, and an ideologically driven consensus, a new paradigm of prehistory is emerging that will change everything we have been taught […]

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