Tag: comets

The low doorway into the Ocmulgee earth lodge, a “mound with a central chamber.” (Photo © 2004, Gary C. Daniels)

Archaeoastronomy of the Ocmulgee Earth Lodge – LostWorlds.Org

Via LostWorlds.org Gary C. Daniels Was the Ocmulgee earth lodge an astronomical observatory and sophisticated scientific apparatus designed to forewarn its designers of impending catastrophe coming from the heavens? Introduction The earth lodge at the Ocmulgee Mounds site in Macon, Georgia is a unique building among Native American archaeological sites in the Southeast. It is a round building completely covered […]

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Randall Carlson On Fade To Black November 7th 2018

Randall Carlson On Fade To Black November 7th 2018

**Right Click Save As** Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges […]

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Werner Herzog Explores the Meaning of Meteorites in ‘Fireball’ (EXCLUSIVE) – Variety

Werner Herzog Explores the Meaning of Meteorites in ‘Fireball’ (EXCLUSIVE) – Variety

Via Variety.com Stewart Clarke October 12, 2018 1:00AM PDT Werner Herzog is making “Fireball,” a feature documentary about meteorites and comets and their influence on mythology and religion. Production is underway, and international buyers will get a first look at the Mipcom market in Cannes next week. “Fireball” reunites the legendary filmmaker with Prof. Clive Oppenheimer. Herzog and geoscientist Oppenheimer […]

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An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

An assortment of video clips from Randall Carlson’s Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe

If you enjoy these clips, please consider sharing them via social media. Every little bit helps us continue to rewrite human history. Thank you for all of your support to date, without you we would not be able to continue to broadcast this information worldwide. Sincerely, Camron Wiltshire and Randall Carlson Save 33.3% with coupon code: Gnosis Podcast The launch […]

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Blue halite and tweezer tips for scale. Credit: Dr. Queenie Hoi Shan Chan

Ingredients for life revealed in meteorites that fell to Earth

January 10, 2018, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Two wayward space rocks, which separately crashed to Earth in 1998 after circulating in our solar system’s asteroid belt for billions of years, share something else in common: the ingredients for life. They are the first meteorites found to contain both liquid water and a mix of complex organic compounds such as hydrocarbons […]

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Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Via: CosmicTusk.com Bill Napier sent the Tusk a note regarding Joe Rogan’s unforgettable debate-style podcast on the Young Dryas Boundary Hypothesis. His informed correction of Marc Defant’s self-styled skeptical authority on comets is priceless and instructive. A cultural genre of all-purpose professional “skeptics,” like Defant and Shermer, have emerged since James Randi kicked off their gig forty years ago. Like […]

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Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

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Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Via The Guardian: The comet landed on by the spacecraft Philae could well be home to an abundance of alien microbial life, according to leading astronomers. Features of the comet, named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, such as its organic-rich black crust, are most likely explained by the presence of living organisms beneath an icy surface, the scientists have said. Rosetta, the European spacecraft […]

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Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

Giant Asteroids On Course to Hurtle Past Earth Within the Month, NASA Reveals

  Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World” Via Express.co.uk [pullquote]“We have technology to deflect asteroids using lasers, this is the real deal, perhaps the reason we […]

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The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World – Special Webinar Featuring Randall Carlson

The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World – Special Webinar Featuring Randall Carlson

Sacred Geometry International and Liminal Analytics: Applied Research Collaborative present a once in a lifetime transmedia experience with Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World. Two Sessions: Sunday January 4th and 11th, 2015 2pm – 4pm New York • 11am – 1pm San Francisco For over 40 years visionary […]

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Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

Grimerica Talks Sacred Geometry with Randall Carlson

http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/Randall_Carlson_Grimerica_Podcast_1.mp3 *Right Click Save As Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International is in Grimerica and will proceed to blow your mind wide open. Randall is a master builder and architectural designer,teacher,geometrician,geomythologist,geological explorer and renegade scholar. He has 4 decades of study, research and exploration into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 30 […]

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Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Repost from DailyGrail.com While Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch & John Anthony West are undoubtedly ‘house-hold names’ in the Alt-history movement, the same might not be said of Randall Carlson. Which is a bloody, unforgivable shame. I first learned of Randall fairly recently, thanks in large part to the Podfather himself, Joe Rogan, who had him on his show The Joe Rogan Experiencelast May, and if […]

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: The Secret Abides – Part 12 (Final Chapter)

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: The Secret Abides – Part 12 (Final Chapter)

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: The Secret Abides – Part 12 (Final Chapter) This article will be the final installment in this series exploring the hidden science of the Holy Grail. There is a great deal more that could be said and at some point additional information will be forthcoming. For now I believe I have sketched the broad outlines and […]

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Alchemical Evolution – Part 11

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Alchemical Evolution – Part 11

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Alchemical Evolution – Part 11 Last month I discussed some noteworthy etymological connections relating to encounters between the Earth and cosmic material, as well as some of the effects of such an encounter. I mentioned that an important constituent of this material delivered to Earth by way of comets and asteroids was the platinum group metals, […]

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Randall Carlson – Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe

Randall Carlson – Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe

January 3, 2014 Randall Carlson is a professional designer and builder, student of Sacred Geometry and a long time Freemason. Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles […]

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Denizens of the Deep – Part 8

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Denizens of the Deep – Part 8

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Denizens of the Deep – Part 8 Someone once said comets are like cats — they have tails and they do what they want. As of this writing (late Nov. 2013) it appears that Comet Ison has not survived its close passage around the Sun intact and will not, therefore, provide the hoped for celestial display […]

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Taken on 11/12/2013 in Greensboro North Carolina at the O'Henry Hotel 
Photo Copyright Camron Wiltshire

Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan Discuss Randall Carlson’s Paradigm Changing Research

A few more photos I’m adding today 4/29/2024 as Brad Young and Randall Carlson continue to exclude my work in fostering this pivotal meeting which helped popularize Randall to the world via Graham’s ensuing Joe Rogan Experience Podcast appearance for Episode #417 as you will see shortly. – Full Episode Video missing because the SGI YouTube was deleted this year […]

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Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Piercing the Veil – Part 7

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Piercing the Veil – Part 7

Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Piercing the Veil – Part 7       In the previous two months articles I discussed the remarkable phenomenon of red rain. I quoted chemical engineer and archaeologist Patrick McCafferty who concluded in The International Journal of Astrobiology that the red rain particles were both extraterrestrial and biological in nature and that their source was the interior […]

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Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6 Last month I introduced the reader to a very strange meteorological phenomenon that occurred with surprising frequency throughout history. This was the phenomenon of rainfall that had the appearance of blood. A very interesting example of this genre appears in The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, […]

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Randall Carlson revisits Where Did The Road Go – Paranormal Radio to talk Ice Ages, Atlantis and the Azores Pyramid

Randall Carlson revisits Where Did The Road Go – Paranormal Radio to talk Ice Ages, Atlantis and the Azores Pyramid

 This week’s interview on Where Did the Road Go? – Paranormal Radio, with Randall Carlson of Sacred Geometry International. Randall returns to talk about Sacred Geometry, Cycles of Cataclysm, Atlantis, Lost Civilizations, and much, much more… We talk about the recently found pyramid in the Azores, and whether it may be part of Atlantis, what ended the last Ice Age, […]

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