Tag: origins

Subversive Origins of Communism - ROBERT SEPEHR

Subversive Origins of Communism – ROBERT SEPEHR

In 1798 the Reverend G W Snider sent Robison’s book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in a letter quote: “I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminati but never saw the book until you were pleased to send it to me it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati and principles of Jacobism had not spread in the United States on the contrary no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.” – George Washington

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The Moon - An Introductory Video - History, Myths and Legends

The Moon – An Introductory Video – History, Myths and Legends

In this video I will attempt to make a introductory platform to a future Playlist where I will expand some of the topics here presented, others that I believe to be relevant, and also those of my own making from my trilogy, The Helix Tree. So lets begin. Science, that once worked from uncertainty to probability, in a never ending attempt to better its own answers, has in the last 200 years or so, relabelled certain unproven probabilities into certainties and stuck to them, improving them, but rejecting all others that may very well be wrong, but do nonetheless deserve their chances to be proven right.

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Why Nazis and Freemasons Revere the Swastika Symbol - Gnosis

Why Nazis and Freemasons Revere the Swastika Symbol – Gnosis

This is an excerpt from the Gnosis episode: Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

I guarantee you will never see the Swastika the same way. Definitely watch the entire episode to understand the purpose of mystification and the occulting of information by secret societies.

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The Origins of Gnosticism - Aeon Byte Radio

The Origins of Gnosticism – Aeon Byte Radio

Via: Aeon Byte The Origins of Gnosticism Let’s take a daring journey to find when and where the ancient Gnostics emerged. Were they originally pre-Christian, and what metaphysics influenced them? This quest will theorize that the original Christian church — long before orthodoxy — was a motley band of apocalyptical mystics and mystery religion advocates. We will also sojourn back […]

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Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time

Richard Heath: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time FULL LECTURE Richard’s presentation shows how astronomy and land surveying became possible to late stone age society through the simple manipulation of numbers held as lengths. The idea of a previous super-civilisation, predating the megalithic, becomes unnecessary if evidence from the Megalithic can be re-interpreted – as able to achieve an […]

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Atlantean Invasions and Modern Racial Origins - ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantean Invasions and Modern Racial Origins – ROBERT SEPEHR

An anthropological fact usually ignored is that there are notable differences in the various types of paleolithic man. The terms Cro-Magnon and “Modern Man” are used as if they were synonymous, whereas strictly speaking, they are not. All Cro-Magnons are Modern, but all Moderns are not Cro-Magnon. Western Europe was populated starting about 35,000 years ago with four Cro-Magnon invasions […]

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Halloween's Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year.  Photo: Ian Rutherford

The Cosmic Origins of Halloween – Preview

Happy Halloween everyone! Just wanted to share some related articles and videos featuring Randall Carlson explaining how the global phenomenon of the Day of the Dead came to be. The evidence that I am going to present in this and several subsequent articles reveals what I believe to be the greatest underappreciated and unrecognized driving force in human history – […]

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