Tag: younger dryas

Yima, Noah, Cometary Disaster and A New Massive Underground City Discovered In Turkey – Graham Hancock

Yima, Noah, Cometary Disaster and A New Massive Underground City Discovered In Turkey – Graham Hancock

Via Graham Hancock I have visited a number of the underground ‘cities’ of Turkey. Now another has been found, and the report (linked here: http://bit.ly/1tbWXBa) is intriguing. I’m reminded of ancient Iranian traditions (Iran and Turkey are neighboring countries) concerning Yima (the Iranian equivalent of Noah) and precautions taken to preserve human life during an episode of sudden and intense […]

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As Above So Below Do the Giza Monuments encode the date of the Younger Dryas comet impact? – Graham Hancock

As Above So Below Do the Giza Monuments encode the date of the Younger Dryas comet impact? – Graham Hancock

Via GrahamHancock.com Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World The earth was hit by a comet around 12,800 years ago with globally cataclysmic effects that brought on […]

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The Fingerprint of Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago – Graham Hancock – Magicians of The Gods Preview

The Fingerprint of Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago – Graham Hancock – Magicians of The Gods Preview

Join Visionary scholar Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a journey into the Cataclysm Fields –Click Here for more information on Sacred Geometry International’s upcoming webinar: The Quest for the Cosmic Grail – Recovering the Lost History of the World”   Repost from Graham Hancock’s facebook feed:   THE FINGERPRINT OF A GLOBAL CATACLYSM 12,800 YEARS AGO The graphic shows […]

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Taken on 11/12/2013 in Greensboro North Carolina at the O'Henry Hotel 
Photo Copyright Camron Wiltshire

Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan Discuss Randall Carlson’s Paradigm Changing Research

A few more photos I’m adding today 4/29/2024 as Brad Young and Randall Carlson continue to exclude my work in fostering this pivotal meeting which helped popularize Randall to the world via Graham’s ensuing Joe Rogan Experience Podcast appearance for Episode #417 as you will see shortly. – Full Episode Video missing because the SGI YouTube was deleted this year […]

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